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The Impact of Social Media Data on Political Appointment

Today, many people use social media to speak their mind about social issues and share information with their peers. As such, these platforms generate voluminous amounts of information. With an intelligent analysis, this information can provide enough data about the heartbeat and desires of voters.

Therefore, analysts or political parties can use social media to understand the mind of voters. However, there are regulatory and ethical aspects that need consideration before using such data. This article highlights how social media data can impact political appointments.

Staying Updated on Social Media

In the last few years, social media has shown an impressive rise. About 86% of adults are on social media. Businesses are also investing heavily in building their social media presence. Political parties are not left behind as they are also quick to understand the value of social media analytics. Leveraging these social platforms allow politicians to listen to their target audience and broadcast tailored messages back to them on the same platform.

Leveraging Analytics in the Electoral Process

While social media can offer a wealth of information, the process of unearthing this gold mine can be challenging. Using psychographic study is one of the methods of breaking into this wealthy data. Psychographic attributes can help with demographic variables, behavioral variables, and firmographic variables to narrow constituencies during an electoral campaign.

Safeguarding Data Privacy

Using the information of social media users to influence them can be a breach of privacy. The best way to go about it is to collect such information with the consent of the users and tell them the purpose of collecting such information.

People will be ready to provide their data because they know that social media is an avenue for them to speak out their minds.

Published inAnalytics and StatisticsSocial Media